
Unlock your potential with Key

Choose your level below to watch Oxford's Two Minute Teacher Tips for Key to Bachillerato with teacher trainer Dave Enright to learn more about your coursebook and for lots of practical tips, ideas and more for your Upper Secondary classroom!


Choose your level:

  • 1Open or Close

    Key to Bachillerato 1

    Key to Bachillerato 1: Using extra activities

    Key to Bachillerato 1: Information and technology

    Key to Bachillerato 1: Fast finishers

    Key to Bachillerato 1: Accepting possible answers

  • 2

    Key to Bachillerato 2

    Key to Bachillerato 2: External exams

    Key to Bachillerato 2: How to hook your students

    Key to Bachillerato 2: Assessment

    Key to Bachillerato 2: BBC video scripts