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Choose your level below to watch Oxford's Two Minute Teacher Tips for Oxford Rooftops with authors and teacher trainers Katherine & Steve Bilsborough, Sarah Phillips and Suzanne Torres to learn more about your coursebook and for lots of practical tips, ideas and more for your Primary classroom!


Choose your level:

  • 1Open or Close

    Oxford Rooftops 1

    Oxford Rooftops 1: The Rooftops community

    Oxford Rooftops 1: Using the iPack effectively

    Oxford Rooftops 1: Onscreen and print Class Books and Activity Books

    Oxford Rooftops 1: Developing speaking skills with the iPack games

  • 2Open or Close

    Oxford Rooftops 2

    Oxford Rooftops 2: What's new in 2?

    Oxford Rooftops 2: Rooftops and diversity

    Oxford Rooftops 2: New ways to make the culture mini books

    Oxford Rooftops 2: Fun with phonics

  • 3Open or Close

    Oxford Rooftops 3

    Oxford Rooftops 3: Introduction video

    Oxford Rooftops 3: Looking at the lesson 5 story

    Oxford Rooftops 3: Culture videos and everyday language

    Oxford Rooftops 3: iPack games

  • 4Open or Close

    Oxford Rooftops 4

    Oxford Rooftops 4: Welcome back to High Street!

    Oxford Rooftops 4: Ideas for cross-curricular lessons

    Oxford Rooftops 4: Get students speaking

    Oxford Rooftops 4: The Rooftops blog as unit review

  • 5

    Oxford Rooftops 5

    Oxford Rooftops 5: The Rooftops community expands

    Oxford Rooftops 5: Integrated skills

    Oxford Rooftops 5: Pairwork

    Oxford Rooftops 5: Taking a closer look at the iPack

  • 6

    Oxford Rooftops 6

    Oxford Rooftops 6: Extended reading

    Oxford Rooftops 6: Vocabulary

    Oxford Rooftops 6: Writing as a whole class activity

    Oxford Rooftops 6: Functional speaking