Página 32 - Great explorers 3-4 Booklets

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Beyond the Coursebook
Digital Books
A book-on-screen version of your coursebook.
All your course audio is a click away.
All content is downloadable allowing you to work offline whenever and wherever you choose.
Incorporates into your School’s Learning Management System.
Class Book
A fully interactive and easy-to-use version of your Activity Book.
New book-on-screen format makes it simple to follow.
Create groups and track students’ results using the Gradebook. With instant marking saving you
valuable time, it is the ideal tool for homework.
Incorporates into your School’s Learning Management System.
Activity Book
for levels
This year
Great Explorers
Class Books and Activity Books
are available in a fantastic digital format,
giving you the flexibility to choose between a blended approach
or a 100% digital classroom.
Great Explorers Digital Activity Book
All your students’ results are easy to view and organise.
Scan the image
to discover more.
Intuitive interactive activities.
Available online or offline, you choose
where and when to use it.