Página 22 - Catalogue ESO-BACH

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Galvanize your students with unparalleled
blended learning tools
Motivate your students using an inventive approach
we promise you haven’t seen anywhere else. Try it out; your
students will see English in a new light.
Interactive video on the iPack: in this activity, students have to key in a telephone
number that they hear.
‘The [video] activities in the warm-up and ‘Language in action’ at the end of each section
are a clever idea.’
Enrique Castillo, teacher - IES El Bohio (Murcia)
1. A warm-up video
to begin each unit
generates interest
in the topic.
2. Humorous animations
make new grammar points
crystal clear.
3. Documentary-style culture videos
add depth to the unit
topic and reinforce vocabulary and grammar.
4. Interactive videos
on the ‘
Practical English
’ pages give
students a chance to live a real adventure and practise
real-life interactions with English actors.
Every unit has four videos: