Página 43 - ELT-Pre-Primary-and-Primary-Catalogue-2015

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Big Surprise!
Extra communication activities and games provide
practice in all skills areas and the real-life photostories
help bring useful, everyday phrases in English to life.
Reading and writing skills also take centre stage in
Big Surprise!
Guided writing activities consolidate
language, and speaking activities give students the
opportunity to personalise language in meaningful
If you want to take your students a little bit further
in levels 1 and 2, try the optional synthetic phonics
programme. The Phonics Pack includes a user’s guide,
two wall posters and an innovative DVD-ROM with
customisable print and presentation options. Its focus
on authentic English sounds, improves pronunciation
and accelerates literacy.
Build a solid language base
‘I really appreciate the new method.
Lots of materials and very attractive.
Interactive board activities are what my
pupils enjoy best and also the songs,
I really like when they sing.’
Rafa Alarcón,
CEIP Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Ibi, Alicante