Página 6 - ELT-Pre-Primary-and-Primary-Catalogue-2015

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Collaborating with teachers
We believe that education is a collaborative process and
that we can only achieve the best results if we truly work
together, listening and learning from each other.
When developing learning resources we have lots of
questions in mind: What do classrooms look like now
How are classrooms changing
How would teachers like
their classrooms to look
How can we prepare today’s
learners for the 21
century? The solutions we offer are
developed for you, with you.
We work hard to stay informed about developments at
a national and regional level to make sure that our
materials meet local requirements and address every
user’s needs. We continually revise our publications to
ensure that they offer teachers everything they need.
Students at the centre of education
The belief that students are at the centre of education
informs everything we do. Our educational resources
enable learning and facilitate the teacher’s role as a
guide in the student’s journey of discovery.
Education at the centre of society
Education takes place in many contexts: at school,
in the family at home, and in the wider community.
Our coursebooks aim to transcend the borders of the
classroom. As well as teaching language, they
incorporate projects and tasks that address real life,
helping students to integrate into society.
Affirming diversity
An inclusive educational system provides equal opportunity
for all. Oxford coursebook pay particular attention to
multiple intelligences, helping students with different
learning abilites and backgrounds to achieve success.
Language learning
Our aim is for all students to learn to communicate
effectively. Oxford materials provide a variety of practical
language activities to develop language skills and the
ability to use language in functional situations.
Digital literacy
The new curriculum stresses the importance of digital
literacy and the appropriate use of technology to assist
learning. Oxford invests in ongoing research and
development of digital media to bring technology into
the learning environment where it adds the most value.
Students are encouraged to interact with digital content
in ways that are both productive and motivational.
How we address the
new LOMCE curriculum
‘Students are the centre of education and the reason
why education exists. Learning at school must
be directed towards preparing autonomous,
critically-minded people, capable of thinking
for themselves.’
Preamble of the
Ley Orgánica de Mejora
de la Calidad Educativa.